Mango pudding cinnamon buns
By Eat More Chocolate Team Miscellaneous Breakfast Baking
April 23, 2015
Mango kanelsnegle is the danish version of a gooey cinnamon roll!
- Yields: 24 Large rolls

Mango pudding:
Make mango pudding by mixing the instant mango pudding/custard mix and half liter milk. That gave almost 240 gr finished pudding.
The dough:
Dissolve yeast with water/juice add sugar.
In a big bowl mix pudding with melted butter, egg and salt. Mix well.
Add the yeast mixture and mix.
Make the dough by adding the flour bit by bit. It have to be soft and smooth, add the extra flour if needed.
ln a clean bowl let the dough rise to doubble almost 45, covered.
Mix butter, brown sugar and cinnamon well together in a bowl. Keep blueberries and lemon zest asidefor now.
Mango cream cheese frosting:
Mix butter and cream cheese well together.
Add icing sugar and mix it well.
Add mango juice, depending on how liquid you want the frosting to be.
Devide the dough into two equal parts. Place one of them aside covered. On a lightly floured surface, roll out to a long squire.
Spred the remonce on the rolled out dough.
Roll it together like a swiss roll, see here how to roll and cut http://cupcakeluvs.blogspot.com/211/08/chelsea-buns-chelsea-snegle.html.
Place them in a baking dish or on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, with 2 cm between them. Cover them with kitchen towel and let them rise 35minuts or to doubble size.
Do the same with the other part of the dough, sprinkle with blueberries and lemon zest on the remonce, before rolling the dough into a swiss roll, cut in to 12 pieces and also put them aside to rise.
Preheat oven 180 degree C. and bake them 15-18 minuts. In my oven they took almost 15 minuts.