Choco Taco
By Eat More Chocolate Team Miscellaneous Everyday, Kid's Favorites No Bake
April 15, 2015
Since nobody should have to suppress a Choco Taco craving, or embark on a roadtrip to the magical Taco Bells that still stock them, follow these steps to make them at home.

For crepe shells: In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar. Gradually add in the milk, vanilla, and melted butter, stirring to combine. Add the flour and salt. Beat until smooth.
Heat a lightly oiled, small griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. (We used a tiny 6-incher for easy maneuvering.) Pour about 1/4 cup of the batter onto the pan for each "shell," tilting to make sure the liquid coats the surface evenly.
Cook the crepe on each side for about 2 minutes, until light brown.
This is the fun part. Pick a book. We went with Franz Kafka's The Trial because we just had it lying around. Oh yeah, make sure it's a pretty clean book. Shape the crepe around the bookbinding so it forms a taco shell mold. Freeze this contraption for ten minutes. Be careful when setting up; these are delicate.
Continue cooking crepe shells, shaping them around books, and freezing.
For the chocolate syrup: Combine cocoa, sugar, and salt in a saucepan. Add water. Mix until smooth. Bring to boil for one minute, then remove pan from heat. Once cooled, add vanilla.
For the chocolate syrup: Combine cocoa, sugar, and salt in a saucepan. Add water. Mix until smooth. Bring to boil for one minute, then remove pan from heat. Once cooled, add vanilla.
After the first frozen shell is pretty sturdy, pull it out and drizzle inside with this (not burning hot) chocolate syrup. A paintbrush comes in handy here. Throw syruped shells back into the freezer so chocolate can firm up.
Wait at least five minutes before pulling them out. Delicately stuff them with ice cream, then return them to the freezer for another ten minutes of firming-up.
Remove proto-Choco Tacos and drizzle them with extra syrup. Crush peanuts and throw those on top too.