
>Corsicana: Russell Stover Factory and Store

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I have driven from Houston to Dallas and back for 30 years- that really make me sound old- and each trip I have threatened to get off the freeway in Corsicana to visit the Russell Stover’s factory store.  I finally followed through on my threat and went in today!

It is exactly what I expected.  Although I wasn’t able to actually see them make chocolate on this trip, I was able to buy some of my favorite candies made by this old American candy manufacturer.

If you live in the US, you know Russell Stover, Pangburn’s and Whitman’s. You probably didn’t know they were one company.  The Whitman’s Sampler has been a staple in most homes for almost 100 years. Whitman’s was founded in Philadelphia in 1842. Russell Stover’s from Denver started in 1923.  Pangburn’s Millionaires were first created in Ft. Worth Texas in 1914.  This is chocolate history!!

All of us grew up eating chocolate covered marshmallow or caramel Santa’s and Easter Bunnies.  If you haven’t tried the “Mint Dream”, you are missing another terrific fluffy concoction.


The store is piled high with all of their goodies at deep discounts and you get a free sample just for stopping by.

For someone like me who is always encouraging people to “eat more chocolate”, this is a great place to start!

Categories: Blog, Explored by Joe

Author: EMCjoe
