Fried Ice Cream
By Eat More Chocolate Team Ice Cream & Frozen Treats Everyday Baking
April 23, 2015
The ultimate fried treat is the one that sounds almost too good to be true: fried ice cream!

To prepare the ice cream balls:
Scoop the Klein’s ice cream into large scoops (this is best done with a large ice cream scooper) and place in a 9×13 pan. Cover the pan tightly and freeze for at least an hour, until ice cream scoops are firm.
Meanwhile, prepare the coating: combine crushed corn flakes, cookie crumbs and sugar in a mixing bowl.
Remove the frozen ice cream scoops from the freezer. One at a time, dip a scoop into the crumb mixture, then into the beaten eggs, and then back into the crumb mixture. Make sure that the ice cream is completely covered in crumbs, or it won’t fry properly. As you work, you can form the scoops into neat balls, if you prefer, for a nicer presentation. Repeat with all of the scoops, working quickly so they don’t melt too much.
Place the coated ice cream balls back into the freezer. Freeze them for at least 2 hours, until the balls are completely firm.
To fry the ice cream:
When ready to fry the ice cream: heat about 3 inches of oil in a small pot to 400 degrees. If you don’t have a thermometer, test the oil by dipping a wooden toothpick into it. When the oil bubbles immediately around the toothpick, it’s hot enough.
Remove the ice cream from the freezer seconds before frying. Do not let it sit out at all, or it will get too soft. Working with one ice cream ball at a time, gently lower it into the hot oil. Fry it for about 30 seconds until golden brown. Do NOT fry too long. Serve immediately, while the crumb coating is hot and crunchy, but the ice cream is still frozen.