>Phily: Max Brenner (Round 2)- Now in Philadelphia
Posted on November 10, 2010 by EMCjoe No comments

Stopped in Max’s new Philylocation. Smaller than the Las Vegas store at The Forum Shops (see my review last month). I was able to have a quick hot chocolate andrefill the coffers from what I picked up and ate (or gave away) from theVegas trip. I can’t get over how wellthought through a concept this is. From hot chocolate to artisan chocolates to fancy chocolate pieces, MB has it all.
I didn’t have time to have a meal this trip, butenjoyed some new chocolate treats I hadn’t seen before. I still recommend getting “a shot” ofchocolate. It is just what the doctorordered. Also, get the “Crockies”- Hazelnut praline cream rolled in dark chocolate andwafer flakes. WOW!