Dallas: NHS (Neighborhood Services)- “The Ding Dong”
Posted on December 21, 2010 by EMCjoe No comments

I have a New Years resolution for 2011- “find more great Restaurant Chocolate Desserts”. Tonight, I get a jump on the new year by introducing the “Ding Dong” from Neighborhood Services restaurant at Preston/ Royal in Dallas.
Is NHS’s fabulous creation a gourmet version of the Hostess “Ding Dong” or “Cupcake”? Being a childhood connoisseur of both, I have an opinion, but I’ll hold that for another day. The most important thing is it is here and it is GOOD. This fabulous creation puts a gourmet twist to one of my chlidhood favorites. The white creamy filling is a perfect surprise when you cut into this decadent moist chocolate cake with ganache icing.
A must have after a terrific dinner.