>Beverly Hills: K Chocolatier- a Legend
Posted on November 10, 2008 by EMCjoe No comments

>History: If I remember correctly, Kron Chocolates was “the” chocolate shop of some repute in the 70s and 80s. They were a collection of franchisee stores anchored by the Kron corporate stores owned and operated by the Kron family. Of Hungarian decent and recipes, Kron was known for truffles and most importantly Molded Chocolate. The Big Chocolate Female Leg, Female Torso, Calculator and even a Champagne Bottle are some of the first I remember from Kron and the chocolate was quite good. How bad can solid chunks of chocolate be : )
Now: I don’t know what happened to the franchise system, in my travels I have stopped by many “Kron” stores, but it appears all of the stores operate independently now and I’ve hit a few- Great Neck, NY, Washington, DC, Aventura, Fl. Panache in Kansas City was originally a Kron store as were other now “local” shops that have changed their names.
Today: This was a real treat!! I met Diane Kron at her “K” Chocolatier shop, today. A real pro- K still has her terrific delicious chocolates served up in the heart of Beverly Hills. The stories and the samples are just too good.
Thanks Dianne.