Author Archive: EMCjoe

Dallas, TX: Neighborhood Services Preston
Brings back some really good childhood memories. This is delicious!
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>Atlanta: Cacao Laboratoire- Bean to Bar in Atlanta
I didn’t get a chance to meet the owner, Kristen Hard, but Kristen’s passion for chocolate and creativity ooze from her little shop. On the first floor of this quaint townhouse just off from Downtown Atlanta, they do it all here. Chocolate Pretzels and dipped marshmallows and Cacao’s version of a Smores bar were […]
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>Atlanta: Sublime Donuts- from sublime to just ridiculous- it is so good!
Sublime: def’n- to convert (something inferior) into something of higher worth. We have all had a donuts. In Dallas there is a donut shop in virtually every shopping center and I think I have tried them all. Most are mundane, with a few notable exceptions: Of course, there is Shipley’s chocolate filled donut and Krispy […]
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>Atlanta: Chocolate Pink (Update: 12/15-CP closed)
Delicious cupcakes, pastries, cakes and desserts, Pink Chocolates alsofeatures Norman Love Chocolates. Limited selection of NL chocolates, but the Champagneand Vanilla Cupcake truffles were terrific. Thought it was fitting to have the Cupcake Truffle at a dessertrestaurant and it exceeded my expectations- real cake pieces inside! Next timeI’m in Ft Myers, I’m heading for Norman […]
Continue Reading>Atlanta: Kilwins by Georgia Tech
Kilwins from Florida is known for Fudge and theirsis about as good as it gets! With a location in Atlantic ststion, I loved sampling many of best goods, made on the spot. It is well known they are VERY creative. At the State Fair, I always go for the friedtwinkees. Now at Kilwins I was […]
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>Atlanta: Maison Robert- and he works in the middle of the store
Maison Robert Chocolates in Atlanta is fun. It is not in a heavy residential area. It is not in a heavy traffic commercial area. I’m not sure you’d find it unless you were looking for it, but it is definitely worth looking for and many in Atlanta swear by Maison Robert. It is in the […]
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Atlanta, GA: Sublime Doughnuts
Chef Grant x-navy+CIA (Culinary Institute of America) “trying for someone’s last meal on death row”. Oreo + YinYang Twist r 2 Die For!
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>Atlanta: Cumming’s The Chocolaterie- in the middle of where?
Ido not want to eat these chocolates- Iwant to put them on display! These truffles are anengineering feat and no wonder, it is an engineer that created these equally amazingly tasting chocolates. My feeble attempt to takepictures of the chocolates do not do them justice. The taste can not be translated across theweb, either. Trust […]
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