November 10th, 2010

>Phily: Max Brenner (Round 2)- Now in Philadelphia
Stopped in Max’s new Philylocation. Smaller than the Las Vegas store at The Forum Shops (see my review last month). I was able to have a quick hot chocolate andrefill the coffers from what I picked up and ate (or gave away) from theVegas trip. I can’t get over how wellthought through a concept this […]
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November 10, 2010
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>Phily and NY- NY Chocolate Show- here I come!
>I’m taking a short trip to NYC to report on the NY Chocolate Show. Figured I’d catch a late night flight tonight to Phily to catch up on chocolate opportunities in Philadelphia + try and interview a cool company I found on the web a few months back… Then it’s a short train ride to […]
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November 10, 2010
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